best cardiologist in delhi Dr Sanjay sharma
Care in an environment of excellence by (Dr Sanjay Sharma)

Dr. Sanjay Sharma MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
Dr. Sanjay Sharma is HOD of Cardiac Centre of Ayushman Superspecialist Hospital Dwarka, Delhi.
Dr. Sanjay Sharma is one of the leading Interventional Cardiologist in Mata Chanan Devi Hospital Janakpuri, Delhi.
He also visits Saroj Superspeciality Hospital Rohini, Delhi as a senior consultant Interventional Cardiologist.
Dr.Sanjay Sharma has 20 years of rich experience in Pacemaker Implantation ,AICD Implantation,Peripheral and Renal,Carotid Angioplasty and Multivesel angioplasty.

Hypertension and CVD
For many years, blood pressure was the main variable focused by hypertension guidelines to define the need for treatment. In 1994, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the European Society of Hypertension (ESH), and the European Atherosclerosis Society formed joint recommendations on prevention of CHD in clinical practice, and these societies emphasised that prevention of CHD should be connected to qualification of cardiovascular risk. Now, this approach is generally accepted and it has been integrated in the various versions of the ESC/ESH guidelines for the management of hypertension. Dr Sanjay Sharma, one of the Best cardiologist in Delhi also feels this concept is depending on the fact that an isolated elevation of blood pressure could be present in merely a small fraction of the hypertensive population, and the majority exhibiting different cardiovascular risk factors. Moreover, when concomitantly present, different cardiovascular risk factors and blood pressure can potentiate each other, resulting into a total CV risk which could be exceeding the sum of its individual segment.
The new ESC-2018 guidelines have placed great importance to the necessity of estimation CV risk to comprise evaluation of what past guidelines named target organ damage; also the 2018 Committee for practice Guidelines document ascertains the hypertention-mediated organ damage.
Obesity and CVD
Obesity is an increasing health issue globally. It contributes to increase CV risk at one end and obesity itself at other end is associated with concomitant medical conditions ( hypertension, insulin resistance, diabetes, and sleep apnea syndrome ). Dr Sanjay Sharma one of the Best cardiologist in Delhi also suggests that obesity has an important role in atherosclerosis and CAD. Obesity causes structural as well as changes in functioning of the heart, which leads to heart failure. The changed myocardium enhances the threat for atrial fibrillation leading to sudden cardiac mortality. Conversely, obesity has also showed a protective effect on the clinical outcome of few underlying CVDs, which is called obesity paradox.

Dyslipidemia and CVD
Dyslipidemia is a metabolic abnormality which leads to persistent increase in the plasmatic concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides. Currently (hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and mixed hyperlipidemia) due to elevation of both triglycerides and cholesterol. One of the major risk factors of CVD is arteriosclerosis which is secondary to the excess of LDL cholestrol. Clinical manifestations of arteriosclerosis are found in CAD, ischemic stroke, and peripheral vascular occlusive diseases. Hypercholesterolemia leads to one third of IHD worldwide, and is responsible for about 2.6 million (4.5%) deaths.
Smoking, Alcohol, and CVD
Dr Sanjay Sharma one of the Best Cardiologist in Delhi also suggests that smoking, one of the cardiovascular risk factor, is known to adversely affect vascular function. A clear relationship between dose and response has been established, which means the more you smoke the greater vascular damage. This condition is less clear with respect to alcohol intake. The dose-response relationship closely follows a J-shaped curve, which suggest that lower alcohol intake could be beneficial while higher alcohol intake could be disadvantageous for vascular function and therefore cardiovascular risk. More important from the pathophysiological point of view, smoking and alcohol induce endothelial dysfunction which is probably secondary to increased oxidative stress in vascular tissue. Therefore, in theory, the combination of smoking and alcohol could have additive negative effects on vascular function.

Age and CVD
Dr Sanjay Sharma one of the Best Cardiologist in Delhi supports that age remains a fundamental predictor of cardiovascular risk. However, when other risk factors and age are used jointly to examine an individual’s future CVD risk, it has been postulated that the contribution of age in the multivariable models might be a reflection of the intensity as well as the duration of exposure to other modifiable CVD risk factors. If all this observation were true, avoidance of other causative factors should result in a decrease in cardiovascular risk associated with age per se. In addition to this, at an older age, the contribution of age to CVD risk prediction declines, mostly in part since there is less time left for an individual to acquire other traditional CVD risk factors. As a result, age at any given point influences the assessment of both, short and long term CVD risk of an individual.

J.P.Healthcare. DDA Flat -313,Pocket -1,Sector -9, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075.